Download Digital Identification Driver

The Digital Driver Licence is being rolled out across NSW after successful trials in Dubbo, Albury and Sydney’s Eastern Beaches.

To get your Digital Driver Licence:

  • download the latest version of the Service NSW app to your phone
  • log into the app with your MyServiceNSW Account details and follow the prompts.
  1. May 30, 2020 Go to Download driver and firmware for Surface, choose Surface Pro 5thgen then click Download on the next page. Choose the.msi file that matches your current OS Build and click Next. After downloading, run and install the.msi then Restart. If the issue you experience still persist after the steps above.
  2. LA Wallet is Louisiana's first Digital Driver's License (DDL), allowing you secure and convenient access to your driver identification on your smartphone. Legally approved and accepted by state law enforcement, LA Wallet is available for download on both iOS and Android devices.
  3. Passport, driver’s license, birth certificate, business license, tax invoice, bank statement, ID card, residence permit, credit cards, Visa card, Master card, etc. Submit your request so that we can put it in our collection in less than a few days. Submit your request with full detail. For example Nigerian passport.
  4. Passport, driver’s license, birth certificate, business license, tax invoice, bank statement, ID card, residence permit, credit cards, Visa card, Master card, etc. Submit your request so that we can put it in our collection in less than a few days. Submit your request with full detail. For example Nigerian passport.

You will need a MyServiceNSW Account that’s linked to Roads to access your digital driver licence. The Service NSW app will walk you through the registration and linking process.

Download the “EOS Digital Solution Disk Software” This download contains EOS Utility among other software for your camera.Note: “EOS Utility Updater” is only an update, not the full software. Only download this if you have EOS Utility already installed on your computer.


Download Digital Identification Drivers

The Digital Driver Licence has inbuilt security controls to protect personal information and identity fraud.

Download Digital Identification Driver Windows 10

Premier Gladys Berejiklian said the Digital Driver Licence will make life easier for people.

“More than 550,000 people have already downloaded the digital licence, with 97% giving it the thumbs up. In the suburb of Blacktown alone, 4733 people have chosen to go digital,” Ms Berejiklian said.

Download Digital Identification Driver Download

Drivers who opt-in are encouraged to carry their plastic licence in the initial stages.