Dekart Driver

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  2. Dekart Driver


Dekart Driver

Driver Detective provides instant access to the hardware of a computer device to analyze the use and improve speed. The software creates a hardware scan from the first installation, after restarting your PC, Driver Detective analyzes the operating system by detecting abeste drivers and those in need of updates. Dekart SIM Card Reader - Wasn't sure if this was worth taking the risk after reading about people having problems, but it worked fine and I was able to read and export my data to Excel. I'll be importing to Outlook so I can synch it with a new phone I'll be getting in a few days. No problems with the driver or App install with Windows 7.


Blank GSM/WCDMA/LTE FDD 4G USIM SIM Card Tool Writer. with simcardtool v3.18 software

Category: SIM Card / DeviceDekart Driver

Main Features:
Support EMV Level 1 specification
Support USB 2.0 full speed
Based on ISO7816 implementation
Support PC Smart Card industry standard – PC/SC 2.0
Support Microsoft Smart Card for Windows
Support T0, T1 protocol
Support ISO7816 Class A, B and C (5V/3V/1.8V) card
Implemented as an USB full speed device with bulk transfer endpoint, Mass Storage endpoint
Built-in PLL for USB and Smart Card clocks requirement
Support EEPROM for USB descriptors customization (PID/VID/ iManufacturer/ iProduct/Serial Number), Direct Web Page Link, and accessing memory card module.
Support short APDU and extended APDU
Compatible with Microsoft USB-CCID driver

Dekart Driver License Test

PISWORDS SIMCARDTOOLS (Copyright: Piswords Co.,LTD Ver 3.1.18)

Dekart driver salaryDekart Driver

Dekart Driver

Pls be sure you know the ki and opc of origianl sim card.

write a blank usim card by pisowrds writer and piswords simcardtools software
very easy Operation steps
Step 1: install the driver of reader,insert the card(the chip side is up)
Step 2: open the software piswords simcardtools.exe, choose the reader in menu
Step 3: read the blank USIM Card , get 'read card success' dialog
Step 4: close the dialog, input the data(ki,opc,imsi.....)
Step 5: after input the data, click 'write card' menu, (pls be sure your data is right, or it will be error message.)

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